Empowering people in the automotive and industrial arts industries became a mission in Jessi’s life. By simply doing what she loves best, she quickly learned the impact she has on her fans, both male and female. There is never a pause in her life when it comes to reaching out and showing people, especially women, that they too can get dirty, go fast, and have fun while still being the beautiful, nurturing creatures God created them to be.
Jessi’s story is very inspirational to most anyone who has the pleasure of hearing it. Large and small companies, ranging from manufacturing to medical to automotive to education, seek her out to speak words of encouragement to the people of their organizations. Her years of experience in performing for the masses allows her to be a natural in the spotlight when delivering to groups of all sizes. With an extensive background in building, racing, branding, television, travel/adventure, and demolishing stereotypes, be it stand alone on stage or in a symposium setting, Jessi’s message will leave a lasting impression.
To enquire about Jessi speaking at your event, conference or meeting, contact her here.